China Philatelic Society of London
  Journal of Chinese Philately 
  Our publication, Journal of Chinese Philately is normally published four a times a year and is free to members. The price is £5.50 for non-members and can be purchased from the secretary.
  Advertising Rates are Full page £80, Half page £50, Quarter page £30 and 1 inch/4 lines £10  
  Please click or press below for theJune/July 2024 journal. Please enter the password 
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Society officers, table of contents
Must Use PRC Name, Paul Davey
The Background and Belief System of Mao Ze-dong Geoff Rooke
An Anti-bandit chop with a tentative identification, Andy MacDonald
East China (Sunan) $10 on $2 blue revenue error, Andy MacDonald
Color Differences on PRC 3006 and 2000-3,Archie S. McKee
China Area Awards and Honours, Alan Warren
EFIRO, San Chiu
Recent China Shows, Sam Chiu
Market Trends, Sam Chiu